Great smiles start young: caring for your baby’s teeth

Having healthy baby teeth helps your child chew, smile and speak properly, and it helps them grow a great set of permanent teeth when the time comes. Here are a few tips for keeping Junior’s pearly whites clean and healthy. Start early. Did you know you can take care of your baby’s teeth before she …

Keep your smile in shape with regular cleanings

You probably vacuum your carpets pretty regularly, and usually that’s enough to keep them looking good. But once in a while, you probably need to do something extra to get out that really ground-in dirt. Whether it’s renting a steam cleaner or bringing in the pros, going beyond your everyday routine helps kill bacteria and …

Missing teeth? Implants can give you a comfortable, natural-looking smile

When you’re a kid, losing a tooth is a wonderful thing – you get money from the tooth fairy, adults make a fuss over how grown up you are, and you know a bigger, better, stronger tooth is going to grow in to take its place. But when you lose a tooth as an adult, …

Why live with a smile you don’t love?

Do you find yourself keeping your mouth closed when you’re smiling, or hiding your teeth behind your hand when you laugh? Don’t hide your smile – these days, your dentist has plenty of options for giving you a bright, beautiful smile you’ll love. Whitening. No matter how straight your teeth are or how healthy your …

Straighten up and smile right: braces for adults

Thinking about getting braces? You’re not alone. Orthodontics aren’t just for kids anymore. These days, more and more adults are opting for braces and other orthodontic treatment, and realizing the benefits of straighter, healthier teeth. I’ve asked a number of my patients what made them decide to get braces as adults, and a few key …

The mouth-body connection: How medicine and dentistry work together to achieve whole health

You probably see your dentist a couple of times a year to make sure your teeth and gums are clean and healthy. But what about the rest of your body? Many people only go to see their family physician once a year – and in reality, most visit the doctor’s office far more infrequently than …

BPAs in dental materials – what you need to know to stay safe and healthy

We all know that BPAs are bad. If you listen to the news, read magazines, or shop for food, you know Bisphenol A is something you want to avoid. But why is it so bad for us – and how can we keep it out of our systems? Here’s a quick overview of BPA and …

Are you taking bone density drugs for osteoporosis? Your dentist wants to know.

These days, many doctors prescribe bone density drugs (bisphosphonates) as a way to prevent bone mass loss and counter the effects of osteoporosis. If you’re taking them for your own osteoporosis, be careful. And if you’re planning on having any dental work done, make sure to tell your dentist about them – they can affect …


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