
Keep your smile in shape with regular cleanings

You probably vacuum your carpets pretty regularly, and usually that’s enough to keep them looking good. But once in a while, you probably need to do something extra to get out that really ground-in dirt. Whether it’s renting a steam cleaner or bringing in the pros, going beyond your everyday routine helps kill bacteria and get things really clean.

Same thing goes for your teeth. Daily brushing and flossing are essential. They keep your mouth healthy and prevent plaque from building up. But every six months, you need to “deep clean” your mouth with a dental visit, and get rid of the bacterial deposits that have resisted your care routine.

When you come in for your six-month check up, expect two types of cleaning. First, the hygienist will do a surface cleaning to remove plaque and stains. Next comes a deeper cleaning that involves scaling and/or root planing to remove plaque and tartar from between teeth and gums. Tartar is a hard deposit made of proteins from saliva, calcium carbonate and other salts in food particles and bacteria. Deep cleaning decreases bacteria and keeps them from damaging your gums, teeth and jawbone.

The hygienist may use a number of instruments to clean your teeth, including hand instruments for scaling (scraping off tartar), polishing cups to remove stains, irrigators to flush out bacteria, and electric scalers to detoxify below the gumline and remove plaque and tartar.

Giving your teeth that extra cleaning is healthy, and it looks and feels great. And you can keep that
smooth, “just back from the dentist” feeling longer with a few strategies to boost your at-home care.
1. Use disclosing tablets to spot bacteria you may have missed when brushing. They colour any bacteria that’s still in your mouth so you can see it and brush it away.
2. Take advantage of proper toothbrushes, specialty brushes, and other aids like soft-picks, tongue cleaners and home irrigators. Don’t forget to replace your toothbrush every few months – if your brush is frayed, it’s definitely time for a new one.
3. Try using an electric toothbrush, which reduces bacteria more effectively that regular brushes.
4. Give fluoride and re-mineralizing rinses at try – they keep teeth strong and prevent bacteria from forming.

With a good home care routine and regular in-office cleanings, you’ll have clean, strong, healthy teeth for life! If you have any questions about this or any other aspect of your oral health, feel free to call us. You can get in touch anytime at 905 637-5463 (KIND) or at We’d love to hear from you.



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