
Wisdom Teeth Removal – What Should You Expect?

Is it necessary?

There isn’t enough room for wisdom teeth because our jaws don’t grow big enough for all of our teeth to fit. Because of this, our wisdom teeth commonly come in at an angle or don’t fully emerge – causing problems down the road.

Things to ask at the consultation:

  • Do they need to come out?
  • What are my anaesthesia options?
  • What complications should I expect with this procedure?
  • What’s the worst case scenario?
  • Compared to your other cases, how does my case rank in terms of difficulty?
  • What happens if I leave them in?

What happens if I don’t remove them?

They will damage your other surrounding teeth. When they come in sideways it can throw off your bite, create an area where food debris gets trapped, decays the teeth and can even cause infections.

When is the ideal time to remove them?

Before the root is fully formed and earlier in your adult life is ideal. During a time when your schedule is a little less hectic, when school is finished, just before a 3-4 day weekend or the start of summer break is the best time for most people. You want to get this procedure done when life is simple, your health is good, and your stress is low.

How long is recovery?

  • Typically a few days to a week. If the surgery is simple, or they are not impacted it can even heal in up within a few days.
  • Recovery time depends on how complicated the procedure was and the position of the teeth.
  • Following post-operative instructions aids in a quick and speedy recovery.

After the procedure:

  • No strenuous activity for 3 days
  • Do not drink out of a straw, or swish aggressively  
  • Do not spit – this can cause dry sockets
  • Do not smoke (tobacco or marijuana) – can cause dry sockets and infection
  • Ice Ice Ice- apply ice for the first 2 days to reduce any swelling that may occur
  • Take care when brushing your teeth and avoid the back areas for 2-3 days
  • Sip plenty of fluids
  • Soft diet is ideal for a few days

When to call your dentist / surgeon?

  • If you have difficulty swallowing or breathing
  • Excessive bleeding rather than oozing
  • Tingling / loss of sensation
  • Fever
  • Unbearable pain that doesn’t go away with painkillers
  • Swelling that worsens after 2-3 days


Why isn’t there room for our  Wisdom Teeth?

Our jaws are much smaller than they used to be. Our ancestors had great jaw development, with room for all 32 teeth to come in straight. This is because our modern diet lacks the key nutrients that allow the jaw to fully develop. One vitamin – K2 is responsible for the development of the jaw by taking calcium from the body and putting this into the bones. Most people no longer grow up eating the kinds of foods where you would get K2, as its most common in liver and organ meat. The low fat food craze coupled with factory farming has basically obliterated K2 from our diets. These days an underdeveloped lower third of the face is very common.

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