
Accepting referrals

Not every dentist does every type of procedure. That’s why our office takes referrals from other dentists – we help with patients who are fearful, those who need sedation or general anaesthetic (not every office is set up to do this), those who require reconstructive surgery, or with young children who need extensive work.

These patients already have an established relationship with their dentist, and we always respect that. We help out by providing a specialized service that their dentist isn’t equipped for, then sending the patient back to their primary care provider for follow up and subsequent appointments. We take that responsibility very seriously, so referring dentists can have confidence in us and in our solutions.

But what if a referred patient experiences our level of care and wants to stay with our practice? This has happened, but due to ethics and professional courtesy, we simply can’t accept these patients. The only way we will accept – and keep – a referral from another dentist is if that dentist is retiring, or if the patient is moving to the Burlington area, and will no longer be able to visit their current dentist due to geography.

But we actually get most of our referrals from patients, which we love. When our patients tell their families, friends and colleagues about their great experience with Desired Smiles, that’s better than any marketing or advertising. And we appreciate every referral we get.

Do you have any questions about becoming a patient or referring a friend? Contact us anytime at 905 637-5463 (KIND) or drop us an email at

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