Tips on Teen Dental Health – What you should know

Tips on Teen Dental Health – What you should know

Teens struggle with orthodontics, contact sports and poor diets filled with carbs and sugars. Less common issues that can still seriously impact the oral and dental health of teenagers are vaping, smoking and mouth piercings. Higher rates of tooth decay are more common in teenagers because of these issues. Being a teenager is hard. As …

Which Works Best: Invisalign or Braces?

Which Works Best: Invisalign or Braces? The easy answer to the question Invisalign or braces is that it depends on the individual patient. Your bite, alignment, jaw, and the complexity of your case all impact whether Invisalign or braces will work for you. The benefits of Invisalign seem obvious to many people considering teeth aligning …

It’s Never too Late to Have the Smile You’ve Always Wanted

Let’s get straight to the point. It’s never too late for a perfect smile. These days, nearly half of orthodontics patients are adults. Here are some reasons why you should consider getting braces as an adult if you need them. Confident Smile A crooked smile can put a damper on your self-esteem and you don’t …


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