General Dentistry

Healthy smiles made here

Regular checkups and cleanings are vital to maintaining healthy gums and teeth – and for keeping up your overall health. DS Dental makes office visits simple. We offer flexible appointment times, a convenient location, and a friendly, experienced staff, so you’ll be in and out in no time.

Helping you help yourself

An important part of any patient/dentist relationship is teaching you how to take proper care of your teeth – and there’s a lot more to it than just brushing a couple of times a day. We’ll put together a customized preventative oral health program for you, and show you all the steps you need to take to keep your teeth and gums in shape.

From proper brushing and flossing techniques to tips on what to look for in a toothbrush (soft bristles!) to instructions on foods you should avoid, we will set you up with the information you need to take care of your teeth – and maintain a healthy smile for life.


Contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment for a free smile analysis.


What Do Our Patients Say About Us?

Testimonials have become an invaluable resource for decision making. From travel (Trip Advisor) to healthcare (Rate Md) , we want to know other people’s experience.

The most valuable testimonials are from Verified People and managed by Trusted Third Party Groups.

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Are you looking for family dentist?

Contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment for a free smile analysis.